Witold Szabłowski

What’s Cooking in the Kremlin

In this book, comedy and narratorial gusto are frequently combined with terror or border on despair

Andrzej Muszyński

My Fathers’ House

A story that poses the question of what it means to be rooted

Wiesław Helak

Towards the Seret

The Chronicler of a Vanishing World

Andrzej Nowak

Poland and Russia: Neighbours in Freedom and Despotism, Tenth to Twenty-First Centuries

The bizarre link between enslavement and expansion, the obverse and reverse of the same Russian coin

Bartosz Jastrzębski

Dies Irae: Nonmodern Sketches

This is an inspiring and invigorating read, something like a breath of fresh air in a musty enclosure

Marek Cichocki

The Beginning of the End of History: Political Traditions in the Nineteenth Century

A voice in the discussion on the topic of the identity of the old continent

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