Warner Bros. Pictures and Madants to produce a film adaptation of Dorota Masłowska’s “Inni ludzie”

Inni ludzie (“Other People”) will be directed by Aleksandra Terpińska, who will use her own screenplay. Honorata Pawicka-Jaros from Warner Bros. Entertainment Polska, which is a co-producer of the film together with Madants, informed the Polish Press Agency (PAP) that the shooting will begin at the end of this year.

Other People is an adaptation of Dorota Masłowska’s recognised novel from 2018. Since her numerously award-winning debut Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną (“Snow White and Russian Red”) in 2002, Masłowska has remained an expressive voice of her generation and an uncompromising commentator on social life. “The film will be directed by Aleksandra Terpińska,” – wrote Pawicka-Jaros in the information note sent to PAP on Tuesday.

It will be Terpińska’s debut feature film. Her short film Najpiękniejsze fajerwerki Ever (“The Best Fireworks Ever”) received the Canal+ Award at the International Film Festival in Cannes in 2018.

Behind the camera will be Bartosz Bieniek – cinematographer of such films as Droga Aszera (“Scaffolding”) and Kult-film (“Cult-film”). One of the most recognisable Polish DJs, Auer, known for his cooperation with Pezet and his label Koka Beats, is responsible for the soundtrack of the adaptation of Other People.

“Other People is a dynamic and hypnotising story about love and its absence, set in today’s Warsaw, accompanied by a pulsating hip-hop beat,” was written in the information note sent to the PAP.

“At first glance, Kamil and Iwona have nothing in common. She is a bored and desperate wife, living in luxury. He is 32 years old and still lives with his mother in a block of flats, whilst projecting visions of his hip-hop career and landing random jobs. Their relationship is seemingly meaningless. Yet it is thanks to this relationship, they will see their life choices and the people around them in a different light, ” we read in the announcement of the film.

The film producers are Klaudia Śmieja-Rostworowska and Beata Rzezniczek from Madants. In 2018, the company co-produced “High Life” by Claire Denis with Robert Pattinson and Juliette Binoche. The co-producer of the film is the French company Alcatraz (“High Life”, “Sieranevada”, “Życie Adeli”[“Life of Adela”]).

The film adaptation of Other People received grants from the Polish Film Institute and the Mazovian and Warsaw Film Funds.

The cinema premiere of Other People is planned for 2020. Warner Bros. Entertainment Polska will be responsible for the cinema distribution.

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