The Book Institute supported the Chinese translation of Czesław Miłosz’s “Ziemia Ulro”

Recently, the translation of Ziemia Ulro (“The Land of Ulro”) into Chinese has been published. The translation of the classic essay by Czeslaw Milosz was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©POLAND Translation Programme.

Author of the article


The Land of Ulro, translated by Han Xinzhong, was published by the Flower City Publishing House in Guangdongu.

The Land of Ulro is Czesław Miłosz’s extensive essay published for the first time in 1977, in which the author once again presents a diagnosis of contemporary literature and culture, this time from the perspective of 1975.

The author’s attitude to the work of the 20th century is critical, as evidenced by the following statement: “I measure my inner development by a gradual increase in distrust of literature, of the art of my century.”

The power of reason transforms the world for man into a living hell, Blake’s Ulro. “I lived in Ulro long before I learned the name of this land from Blake, but I didn’t agree to such a place,” Miłosz writes.

In recent years, the Book Institute has also co-financed a number of other translations of Czesław Miłosz’s books. Thanks to the support of the ©POLAND Translation Programme, Dolina Issy (“The Issa Valley”) appeared in Ukrainian (translated by Natalia Sidjachenko), Historia literatury polskiej (“The History of Polish Literature”) in Romanian (translated by Constantin Geambaşu), Zniewolony umysł (“The Captive Mind”) in Azerbaijani (translated by Gülɘra Abdullabɘjowa) and in Arabic (translated by Abie Mara’i), Rok myśliwego  (“A Year of the Hunter”) in Estonian (translated by Hendrik Lindepuu), as well as Ziemia Ulro (“The Land of Ulro”) in Croatian (translated by Adrian Cvitanović) and in Macedonian (translated by Filip Dimiewski).

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