“Śmieciogród” in French with the support of the Book Institute

A translation of Aleksandra Woldańska-Płocińska’s book Śmieciogród (“Rubbish Town”) has been published in Belgium and France. The publication of the translation by Nathalie Le Marchand was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©POLAND Translation Programme.

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The book Halte aux déchets, as reads the French title of the translation, was published by Brussels-based Casterman publishing house.

Rubbish Town is a continuation of a series that has so far included a book on animal rights, Zwierzokracja (“Animalocracy”). The author takes on another important topic for the planet: rubbish, wastage, zero waste, ecology and taking care of the Earth.

Rubbish Town consists of 38 double page spreads with colourful and fun illustrations in a large format. Short, accessible texts contain manifold information and interesting trivia. In an interesting way, both in terms of text and illustrations, the book tells us about the history of packaging (from natural to synthetic) and about what we can do now, using small steps, to save the Earth from being flooded by plastic and from becoming a big Rubbish Land.

Author and illustrator Aleksandra Woldańska-Płocińska is a respected figure in the world of Polish children’s books, who cares about the fate of animals and the Earth. She herself implements a zero-waste practice in her life and limits her use of plastic by using the ‘baby steps’ method.

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