“Pamiętnik Blumki” awarded in Taiwan

Iwona Chmielewska’s Pamiętnik Blumki (“Blumka’s Diary”) was awarded the Openbook Best Children’s Book Award 2019 in Taiwan.


Openbook is a prestigious award on the Taiwanese publishing market. Over a year, experts select 40 books from 40,000 new titles (which is the number of titles published annually in Taiwan), which are nominated in four categories: Taiwanese literature, foreign literature, non-fiction literature, and children’s and youth literature. The awarded books are promoted in bookshops and libraries.

The Openbook Award 2019 is not the first award for Blumka’s Diary in Taiwan. In August 2019, the book was included in the “List of recommended readings for primary and secondary school students” of the Ministry of Culture. Together with Blumka’s Diary, on the list we can also find: Janusz Korczak’s Król Maciuś Pierwszy (“King Matt the First”), Witold Szabłowski’s Tańczące niedźwiedzie (“Dancing Bears”), and Anna Czerwińska-Rydel’s Wszystko gra (“All Tuned Up”).

All these books were published in Taiwan and translated by Wei-Yun Lin-Górecka from the Polish language with the support of the Book Institute as part of the ©Poland Translation Programme.

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